Software - Correction services

Our software and correction services are compatible with our sensors and systems, both for sale and rental. Training is provided by our manufacturer-approved technical support team.

/ Our product ranges

Centrale inertielle avec un logiciel de post traitement Qinertia proposé par CADDEN

Post-processing software

Logiciel de post-traitement pour bathymétrie QPS Quinsy

Bathymetry software

Logiciel de post-traitement bathymétrie QASTOR QPS

Navigation software

Logiciel sismique DELPH iXblue

Seismic software

SLAM cartography

Récepteurs GNSS Services de correction PPP

PPP correction services

At CADDEN, we offer a complete range of specialized software and precision correction services for your mapping, hydrographic and marine navigation operations.

Software from QPS (Qinsy, Qimera, Fledermaus and Qastor) meets the needs of professionals in geospatial data acquisition, processing and visualization. Whether for underwater mapping, bathymetric data management or real-time navigation, these tools deliver unrivalled accuracy and increased efficiency at every stage of your project.

Exail’s Delph software is a powerful suite of acoustic and seismic imaging software, ideal for marine geophysical surveys and underwater inspections. This intuitive software offers advanced data processing features for fast, accurate interpretation of results at sea.

For high-performance GNSS and inertial data processing, SBG Systems’ Qinertia software is a complete post-processing solution that transforms your data into usable information thanks to advanced correction algorithms. This software is essential for professionals wishing to optimize the accuracy and reliability of the GNSS data they collect.

Provided by our suppliers, PPP (Precise Positioning in Real Time) correction services ensure optimum accuracy, even in the most demanding environments. These delayed correction services guarantee precise positioning solutions for GNSS applications at sea and on land.


Discover our services

Our philosophy is to support our clients at all key stages of their projects.


A wide choice of rental sensors and acquisition systems, systems integration services, tailor-made training and technical support. Our rental catalog also includes complete systems, combining sensors of different technologies and from the main world-leading manufacturers.


Choosing Cadden as your project partner allows you to benefit from relevant technical advice, before, during, and after delivery. We accompany you during installation and provide technical support, even after the end of the equipment warranty.


Our trainers have advanced knowledge of all the solutions provided. Thanks to a close partnership with all of our suppliers, our training team will provide you with tailor-made solutions, training adapted to your applications.