The Sirius series from Xsens for demanding applications
The Sirius series pushes the limits of inertial systems.
The solution addresses the environmental factors that, during complex marine operations, can affect the location of tankers, FPSOs and CALM buoys. Accurate real-time positioning and heading data, combined with metoceanic data, are essential for ship pilots to provide advance warning of conditions likely to affect vessel movement.
Fugro’s PilotSTAR docking assistance system provides positioning assistance during unloading operations for tankers equipped with a CALM buoy or in tandem with a FSO/FPSO. The system integrates with metocean tension and swell sensors to provide a complete overview of the conditions affecting the vessel. This enables appropriate measures to be taken to keep the vessel on course and within operational safety margins.
The PilotSTAR system comprises two fully autonomous G-NAV-based PilotSTAR wing units, which are installed by the pilot on either side of the tanker’s wing. These units, together with the permanent equipment installed on the CALM/FPSO/FSO buoy, calculate a positioning solution based on real-time kinematics (RTK) and moving baseline (MBL) algorithms.
Data is exchanged between units by radio, using a method known as Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). This method allows several units to share the same channel by dividing the signal into different time intervals. The units transmit in rapid succession, one after the other, each using its own time slot. This allows several stations to share the same transmission medium. This is just one example of how the G-NAV real-time tracking solution is useful and ready to use.
A robust carrying case provides the pilot display, including tanker, FPSO and tug navigation data, tanker prediction and historical position, hawser tension and metocean information (wind and sea current).
PilotSTAR belongs to FUGRO. Efficient and reliable, it improves safety during all phases of loading operations. Reducing the risk of collision is just one of the benefits, as it also reduces costs.
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