A look back at the CADDEN 2024 Technical Day

The CADDEN 2024 Technical Day took place on October 2. Let's take a look back!
ADCP Sonardyne

A day of conferences and workshops in an exceptional setting

At the heart of the Escal’Atlantic submarine base in Saint-Nazaire, our CADDEN teams provided high-quality technical demonstrations and presentations, alongside our partner suppliers. Thanks to their expertise and commitment, we were able to present innovations that are shaping the future of our sector.

State-of-the-art innovations

Marine Sonic
MarineNav et Voyis
ROV MarineNav et caméra de photogrammétrie Voyis

A huge THANK YOU to our customers and suppliers for coming out and making this event a success! We would also like to thank our suppliers for their captivating presentations and impressive demonstrations!

Celebrating a quarter-century!

The day was also an opportunity to celebrate the 25th anniversary of our company. For over a quarter of a century now, our team has been putting its know-how and expertise to work for you. We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all our customers, suppliers, distributors and partners for their trust!

25 ans de CADDEN

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