A look back at the CADDEN 2024 Technical Day
An event packed with conferences, workshops and celebrations!
It’s a first! While in Lyon, Jean-Christophe Perdrieau, Business Developper at CADDEN, took a few moments to create a map of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste-et-Saint-Étienne primatial church in Lyon and the surrounding area.
To carry out this mission, Jean-Christophe equipped himself with a backpack (with on-board laptop, cables and a battery to power the computer and Lidar) as well as a handle to hold the Lidar with its connection cable and a smartphone to view the Lidar data in real time.
It took just 15 minutes to map Lyon Cathedral and the surrounding area in SLAM. In 2 hours of acquisition, a power battery for the computer and Lidar is sufficient. The dimensions of this battery vary according to the size of the acquisition to be carried out.
The data were acquired using a Hesai QT64 Lidar and Hesai’s own acquisition software, Pandar View. Post-processing was completed in just one hour, using SLAM processing software supplied by Exwayz.
Located inside the nave on the south side, with the instrument on one side and the console on the other. On the right-hand side are several panels which, at the time of mapping, were actually part of a temporary exhibition.
This clock is located in the north wing of the cathedral. The precision of the point cloud is ideal for seeing many details of the whole.
Located on the south-facing slope to the right of the entrance, the Saint-Vincent and Bourbon chapels are particularly well detailed. It’s even possible to spot the rose window and stained glass windows facing outwards, as well as the paintings, where the painted figures are even easily identifiable.
Adjacent to the north exterior of the cathedral, the archeological garden, now a listed historical monument, is showcased here with its various easily identifiable remains.
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